Written by Lisa Afflitto, LCSW
Imagine you are desperate for something in your life to change. Maybe you don't have to imagine this. Maybe you live everyday with a chronic health condition, or chronic pain. Maybe the picture of what you thought your family would look like has been altered in some way. There are so many ways that life hands us challenges that we never imagined we would have to deal with.
Imagine now you are standing in front of three roads, and you have to choose to travel down one of them. One road has a huge sign that says, "Come this way to figure out how to fix all of your troubles." The second road has another huge sign that says, "Follow this road and just give up. Nothing will ever get better." The third road has yet another huge sign, but this one says, "Come this way to sit with your pain. Feel your emotions. Accept the difficulties that you have in your life." Which road would you take?

Most people would say that they would take the first road. So let's say that we do. We begin to travel down this road and realize that the road is never-ending. The road leads us onto website after website desperately searching for solutions. The road leads us from doctor to doctor, and then from the treatment to treatment. Suggestion after suggestion. This road has no places to stop to experience enjoyment. We lose sight of our values and our goals. This road is frustrating, exhausting and filled with judgment and guilt.
The second road is why you are reading this. You don't want to give up. You don't have to give up. So will you take the third road? The third road is the road less traveled. As a society, we are taught that we have to fix and perfect. But you can't fix this issue that has brought you in front of these three roads. You have a new choice...you can accept your situation and learn how live a more functional and happy life.
Want to learn more? Visit lisaafflittolcsw.com or email me at lisafflittolcsw@gmail.com